Grenadier and 1st Company 1st Battalion
Zip Code__________ Telephone # Home_____________ Work_____________
S.S.# ___-__-____ FID/Perit # _____________ Musket#______________
Postion appling for : Guardman__Musician__Drummer__Officer__Other__
Company you wish to join: Grenadier__ Battalion__Light__
Membership Type: Associate___ Full___
Person we should contact in case of emergency
Address________________________ Relationship_______________________
Telephone #s Work________________ Home________________
We are pleased to welcome you to the Regiment. We will try to help in all possible ways to aid you in equipping. It
is up to the individual, however, to build and maintain their arms, uniform, camp equipage and accouterments.
Because of the nature of the hobby, a certain uniformity of equipment is necessary. Thus we must respect the consensus of
the membership as expressed through the documentation of the historic Regiment and the choices of the Command Staff.
All in formation asked for on this form is kept in strict confidence and is never sold or given out for mailing lists or for any
other reason. However some event organizers do require us to give a list of names and Social Security Numbers for insurance
purposes or payment to the Regiment. Also required is a Massachusetts or you Home State Firearms I D form or license. Due to
recent changes in the Massachusetts Gun Law this is mandatory for all those who will be firing weapons.
This is a hobby designed for individual's enjoyment. However, individuality can be maintained in group uniformity with respect
for the rights of others, and respect for the rights of the group. This our approach, we set no limit to the number of event you
must attend. We simply ask if you can not attend after stating you would, that you contact someone at least three days before
that event.
Membership in the First Foot Guards also includes membership in the British Brigade. The Membership Dues goes to pay for our
Insurance Policy; Dues to the British Brigade and to buy supplies needed for the season. Our insurance covers you only at those
events sanctioned by the First Foot Guards. You may attend other events but with the understanding that our insurance will not
cover you if injured. Please remit the Application Fee with this application. The Application Fee is $20.00, please make check out to the
King's First Foot Guards. Dues are as follows Associate Member $10.00 per Year, Full Member $20.00 per Year. Associate
membership is for those who wish to support us in our endeavors and receive the Guardsman Newsletter. Full membership
is for those who wish to participate in all activities.
Please return the application form and fee to:
William F. Sherburne
Chirgeon's Mate
First Regiment of Foot Guards
P.O.Box 1387
Mansfield MA 02148
Signature of Applicant_________________________________ Date __/__/____