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In the 1680's grenadiers were introduced into the British Army for the purpose of assaulting fortified positions. To accomplish this, they utilized a new weapon -the hand grenade. This new technology necessitated uniform modifications. A grenadier needed to sling his musket over his shoulders to free his hands for throwing grenades. To make this maneuver easier, small caps were substituted for the brimmed hats then in use. Over time the caps evolved into tall miter-shaped affairs covered with bearskin. Also, a perforated brass case to hold a length of burning slow match for lighting grenades was mounted to each man's cartridge pouch carriage. As an elite company, the grenadiers were assigned to the prestigious right of the line, and their uniform coats were adorned with shoulder wings. Grenadiers were chosen from among the tallest and largest, and some say the most intelligent and bravest, men in the army.
Grenadier's on the march
A close up of the Grenadier uniform showing the Hat Cap, Match case and lacing on the uniform
SjtMjr and Private of the Grenadier Company.